le Vol 2 de CONSERVATION 360° intitulé ”Diagnosis” vient de paraître
Après le Vol 1 sur les techniques d’imagerie en Luminescence UV-Vis, le Vol 2 de CONSERVATION 360o intitulé ”Diagnosis” vient de paraître et est disponible gratuitement.
ABSTRACT. Diagnosis is fundamental to the work done in conservation and to cultural heritage work in general, as it helps the professionals involved in caring for cultural heritage. One word connected to diagnosis is collaboration. Diagnosis often results from an interdisciplinary study where experts from different specialities cooperate with the same objective. This is usually also a multidisciplinary activity, where diagnosis is performed using different types of investigations coming from various disciplines. This combined knowledge and focus make possible a better evaluation of the condition, identity and function of an object.
Conservation 360o est une collection d’ouvrages bilingues (anglais/espagnol) destinée aux professionnels de la conservation qui propose une perspective informée et rigoureuse sur des sujets relatifs à la préservation, l’étude et la documentation de l’Héritage culturel.
Bonne lecture!